We believe that the Christian life is a great adventure of faith in which we do our best to follow Jesus, working out together how he wants us to live today. We want to show people around us that there’s more to life than so many seem to think – and that there is a better way to live.
Our teaching is Biblically-based, Christ-centred and God-honouring.
In more detail, our core beliefs are in line with those that are found in the world-wide family of churches that call themselves ‘Baptist’. They include:
- the authority of the Bible that we believe teaches the Lordship of Christ as the head of his church
- the freedom of the individual believer, under God, to interpret the Bible for themselves – and the right of other Christians to do likewise
- the baptism of believers only, ideally by immersion – a practice that we believe reflects what happened in the New Testament Church
- the duty to bear witness to our faith, living out the Christian life in our community to the best of our ability
- the right of each local Church to govern itself through its members meeting together.